About Me

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Washington, DC, United States
I'm Shandi. I hope you like it here. I don't say much with words...but instead I speak to you with music, images, and by showing you everything i love in art and fashion. if you follow me, i will follow back and we can feed off of eachother. i love comments and feedback. thank you for coming. please stay.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Reid Peppard's Freaky Fashion

I'm never bored when I visit Geeks on the inside.

Recently, they introduced me to Reid Peppard, a London based taxidermist/accessory designer whose latest work; the Vermin collection, is for the lack of a better word, interesting. 

I have to admit, I would rock the Pigeon Wing Necklace for sure...but I don't know so much about wearing anything with an entire dead rat's body hanging off of it.  Ew. 

Now don't fret, Reid is a vegetarian and all of the dead little critters she uses to make her creations are either caught by her cat Panasonic (what a cool name, yea?), or roadkill that she found or were given to her.

See more photos of Reid's collection here!

It's Black Friday, isn't it?  I have to leave you with this beautiful, and slightly upsetting photo from Crappy Taxidermy...

Photo by Damien Hurst - Exquisite Pain

Images from artist's blog.

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