About Me

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Washington, DC, United States
I'm Shandi. I hope you like it here. I don't say much with words...but instead I speak to you with music, images, and by showing you everything i love in art and fashion. if you follow me, i will follow back and we can feed off of eachother. i love comments and feedback. thank you for coming. please stay.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Harma Heiken's babies.

these near life size sculptors by Netherland artist Harma Heikens are slightly confusing to me. 
they seem to be children in very un-child like situations...but after doing some research, i think i understand.

"This is this is the way children are turned into child-souliers: they are being forced to kill animals, perferably pets, and when their resistance is broken the rest follows"
-Harma Heiken, Hi-Fructose Magazine, Vol 13, 2009.

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