About Me

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Washington, DC, United States
I'm Shandi. I hope you like it here. I don't say much with words...but instead I speak to you with music, images, and by showing you everything i love in art and fashion. if you follow me, i will follow back and we can feed off of eachother. i love comments and feedback. thank you for coming. please stay.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I sold my blood, to a hospital...

I'm on a music kick lately. 

Well, I shouldn't say "lately" because music is what stared it all, isn't it?  I stumbled across Laura Stevenson and the Cans while trolling itunes.

This song, A Shine To It, has been pulling at me for the past hour, I just had to share it with you.

Below is another cool song from thegirl and her band.  I love how personable she is.  I think you all should pay attention to this one, she's the next big thing.  I'm telling you.

1 comment:

Shandi said...


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