About Me

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Washington, DC, United States
I'm Shandi. I hope you like it here. I don't say much with words...but instead I speak to you with music, images, and by showing you everything i love in art and fashion. if you follow me, i will follow back and we can feed off of eachother. i love comments and feedback. thank you for coming. please stay.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Let's Sway

Hey Y'all!

I missed you, I did.

Anyway...soooooo if you didn't know, I am pretty much obsessed with So You Think You Can Dance.  Y'know, the show?  Dance Day is July 31st to promote health, fun and uhhhhhh DANCE, duuuh.  One cool thing is that you can learn a Nappytabs routine by watching the video below, or you can go to Dizzyfeetfoundationp.org and learn it there...so that's fun...not to mention they're like one of the dopest pair of choreographers EVERRRRRR.

Here is one of my favorite Nappytabs routines by Chelsea Hightower (also seen on Dancing with the Stars) and Mark Kanemura (recently seen as a homolicious dancer in Gaga's Alejandro video....EPIC).  Watch it!

...and another, by Katee and Joshua. you can go to the 2:00 mark to skip all the introductions n'shit.

You will be seeing more of my favorite dance routines during this season, so I hope you're into it.  Well, are ya?

Before I go...I want to wish my BFF Frances a very happy birthday today!


Moya2bean said...

Okay...you sooo have a new follower...first off I was born and raised in d.c...we I was raised in maryland but 5 mins away...lol! This blog is sick and it seems to me you like all the people i like!!!!! LOL! Love ur blog!!!!


Shandi said...

thank you so much girls. you guys are awesome.


Mandi said...

Love it! Bring on the dance!

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